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Hace algún tiempo,
parado mirando la construcción de un edificio, observé a un hombre salir de la construcción
gritando garabatos y arrojando piedras hacia el interior de la obra. Caminó
hacia mi, con mirada enfurecida y me dijo: “aquí trabajan puros hueones pencas.
Hay que ser penca para trabajar aquí…” (vaya reflexión)
La palabra “penca” en Chile
significa algo malo, sin gracia, con estatus de mediocre, menos que suficiente
y por otro lado “cracia” que proviene del griego “krátos”, que puede traducirse como «poder»”.
No conozco otras latitudes donde el término “PENCRACIA” asuma un mayor y mejor
significado que en nuestro país.
No estoy
hablando de que los chilenos seamos “pencas” per se. Cometemos errores, como todos. Me refiero al término “pencracia”
como, el arte de llegar a la cima, ocupar un cargo, dirigir, gestionar,
administrar, etc., siendo un gallo con “cero” competencia y/o habilidades en lo
que a sus responsabilidades requiere. Estos personajillos abundan,
lamentablemente, en nuestra sociedad, desde el tipo que tiene un kiosko en la
esquina, pasando por todas las profesiones y hasta llegar a los políticos. Se les puede encontrar enquistados en una
repartición pública hasta el mundo privado y estoy casi convencido que gracias
a ellos el desarrollo de países como el nuestro tarda tanto.
En la
siguiente lista aparecen las principales (no únicas) del tipo que practica la “pencracia”
i) Es hablador
“inventa- cuentos”. Su pasado está lleno de frases como: “mi familiar que es… (Título
profesional)”, “yo tengo un amigo que es…(título profesional)”
ii) TODAS las cosas del mundo ya le han pasado a él, se
las sabe todas. Fanfarronea de logros
inexistentes y lo que es peor…SE LAS CREE.
iii) Cuando
hay un problema, le veras moverse de un lado a otro, hablando fuerte, con
gestos innecesarios y normalmente sobre exagerados de acuerdo a la situación.
En momentos como ese, no pide ayuda (se las sabe todas). Si el problema se
soluciona, aparece haciendo aspavientos de su logro, de lo contrario culpa de “falta
de compromiso” a sus compañeros.
iv) Usualmente
un “pencrocata” no recibe una remuneración mayor que sus empleados. A veces
recibe lo mismo, pero él se “contenta” con estar por sobre los demás.
v) Un “pencrocata”
NUNCA asume su responsabilidad en sus errores, NUNCA. Es demasiado inmaduro e
inseguro, para hacerlo.
vi) Un “pencrocata”
sabe internamente que es PENCA, pero lejos de superarse, culpa al sistema, la educación,
el ejército, Halloween, la navidad, la religión, el país, su familia, sus
vecinos, su población, el pasado, el presente, el futuro, la posición de la
cama donde su madre lo trajo al mundo, su herencia, etc, etc., pero jamás se
concentra en mejorar, pues es un PENCA.
vii) Al “pencrocata”, le gusta de sobre manera,
presumir… presume de todo. Compra compulsivamente para presumir “de lo que
tiene” y no le importa “salirse del presupuesto” y “andar sin ni uno” el día 20
del mes, pues la culpa no es de él, es del sistema.
viii) Al “pencrocata”
le gusta sobresalir, destacar, “estar sólo en el escenario”. Si pudiera, se
pondría luces de neón alrededor de él, solo para figurar. Es el clásico florero
de mesa y siente que nada podría resultar sin su presencia.
Pero, ¿cómo
llegan a la cima? Primero, ¿qué entendemos por llegar a la cima? En la mente de estos personajes,
está el concepto de “cima” como: “ESTAR ENCIMA DEL OTRO”, “DAR ORDENES”. Para
el resto de los mortales, la “cima” es más bien, la realización personal del
trabajo bien hecho y sin mayores sobresaltos, respetando a los demás y
exigiendo respeto a su vez, para ellos NO.
Estos sujetos,
debido a sus características personales, son excelentes marionetas, que sin
valores personales, ni pudor avasallan al resto (motivo por el cual el resto
les tiene temor) y están donde están, por el mismo motivo, LE SIRVEN A OTRO.
practican la “PENCRACIA”, desde un punto de vista psicológico, son personas
inmaduras, inseguras, con temas de la adolescencia (y de la infancia) no
resueltos. Les cuesta entender la vejez, y por tanto la madurez y con ello “huyen”
permanentemente, de todo aquello que signifique “ser adulto”.
Si no les
puedes evitar, no les lleves la contra, ayúdalos. Puede ser una descarga emocional y mental
ayudar a una persona insegura, pero el cuidado genuino y la preocupación por esa
persona, puede ayudarlo a sentirse más seguro sobre sí mismos. Diles que eres
su amigo, quiérelos, que te agraden por quienes son. No necesitas gastar cada
minuto de tu día con ellos, pero tampoco los abandones. Algunas personas
inseguras pueden hacer amigos valiosos. Recuerda que no todas las personas
inseguras son intimidantes, algunos de ellos son indecisos, personas tímidas
que tienen miedo y nervios de ellos mismos. En otras palabras son huevones
Some time ago I stopped watching the construction of a building, noticed a man leaving the building screaming doodles and throwing stones into the work. He walked towards me, with angry look and said, "here work hueones pure pads. You have to be penca to work here ... "(see reflection)
The word "stalk" in Chile means something bad, unfunny, with the status of mediocre, less than enough and secondly "racy" from the Greek "kratos", which translates as 'power'. "I know other places where the term "PENCRACIA" assume a greater and better meaning in our country.
I'm not talking about that Chileans be "pads" per se. We make mistakes like everyone else. I refer to the term "pencracia" as the art of reaching the top, holding office, directing, managing, administering, etc., being a rooster with "zero" Competitive and / or skills as their responsibilities required. These little characters abound, unfortunately, in our society, from the guy who has a kiosk on the corner, going through all walks up to the politicians. You can find them frozen in a government department to the private world and I am almost convinced that thanks to them developing countries like ours takes so.
In the following list (not unique) key the type who practices "pencracia" appear
i) It is chatty "invented stories". His past is full of phrases like "my family is ... (Professional Title)", "I have a friend who is ... (professional degree)"
ii) ALL things in the world would already have happened to him, he knows everything. He brags about nonexistent achievements and worse ... IS THE CREE.
iii) When there is a problem, you really will move from side to side, talking loudly, with unnecessary gestures and usually over exaggerated according to the situation. At times like that, not asking for help (he knows everything). If the problem is resolved, appears making a fuss of her achievement, otherwise because of "lack of commitment" to their peers.
iv) Usually a "pencrocata" does not receive more than their employees remuneration. Sometimes receives the same, but he is "happy" to be above others.
v) A "pencrocata" NEVER assumes responsibility for his mistakes, EVER. It is too immature and insecure, to do so.
vi) A "pencrocata" knows internally which is PENCA, but far exceeded, blame the system, education, military, Halloween, Christmas, religion, country, family, neighbors, population, past, the present, the future, the position of the bed where his mother brought him to the world, heritage, etc., etc., but never focuses on improving, because it is a PENCA.
vii) The "pencrocata" likes on way, boasts boast ... everything. Buy compulsively to show off "what is" and does not care "within budget" and "walk if even one" the 20th of the month, then the fault lies not with him, it's the system.
viii) The "pencrocata" likes excel, stand out, "being alone on stage". If you could, would neon lights around it, only to appear. It's the classic vase table and feel that nothing could be without him.
But how to get to the top? First, what do we mean by reaching the top? In the minds of these characters, is the concept of "top" and "BE PLACED ON THE OTHER", "GIVE ORDERS". For the rest of us, the "top" is rather the fulfillment of work well done and without turbulence, respecting others and demanding respect for their time, for them NO.
These subjects because of their personal characteristics, are excellent puppets, without personal values, or modesty overwhelm the rest (why the rest have them fear) and are where they are, for the same reason, LE MANS TO ANOTHER.
Some time ago I stopped watching the construction of a building, noticed a man leaving the building screaming doodles and throwing stones into the work. He walked towards me, with angry look and said, "here work hueones pure pads. You have to be penca to work here ... "(see reflection)
The word "stalk" in Chile means something bad, unfunny, with the status of mediocre, less than enough and secondly "racy" from the Greek "kratos", which translates as 'power'. "I know other places where the term "PENCRACIA" assume a greater and better meaning in our country.
I'm not talking about that Chileans be "pads" per se. We make mistakes like everyone else. I refer to the term "pencracia" as the art of reaching the top, holding office, directing, managing, administering, etc., being a rooster with "zero" Competitive and / or skills as their responsibilities required. These little characters abound, unfortunately, in our society, from the guy who has a kiosk on the corner, going through all walks up to the politicians. You can find them frozen in a government department to the private world and I am almost convinced that thanks to them developing countries like ours takes so.
In the following list (not unique) key the type who practices "pencracia" appear
i) It is chatty "invented stories". His past is full of phrases like "my family is ... (Professional Title)", "I have a friend who is ... (professional degree)"
ii) ALL things in the world would already have happened to him, he knows everything. He brags about nonexistent achievements and worse ... IS THE CREE.
iii) When there is a problem, you really will move from side to side, talking loudly, with unnecessary gestures and usually over exaggerated according to the situation. At times like that, not asking for help (he knows everything). If the problem is resolved, appears making a fuss of her achievement, otherwise because of "lack of commitment" to their peers.
iv) Usually a "pencrocata" does not receive more than their employees remuneration. Sometimes receives the same, but he is "happy" to be above others.
v) A "pencrocata" NEVER assumes responsibility for his mistakes, EVER. It is too immature and insecure, to do so.
vi) A "pencrocata" knows internally which is PENCA, but far exceeded, blame the system, education, military, Halloween, Christmas, religion, country, family, neighbors, population, past, the present, the future, the position of the bed where his mother brought him to the world, heritage, etc., etc., but never focuses on improving, because it is a PENCA.
vii) The "pencrocata" likes on way, boasts boast ... everything. Buy compulsively to show off "what is" and does not care "within budget" and "walk if even one" the 20th of the month, then the fault lies not with him, it's the system.
viii) The "pencrocata" likes excel, stand out, "being alone on stage". If you could, would neon lights around it, only to appear. It's the classic vase table and feel that nothing could be without him.
But how to get to the top? First, what do we mean by reaching the top? In the minds of these characters, is the concept of "top" and "BE PLACED ON THE OTHER", "GIVE ORDERS". For the rest of us, the "top" is rather the fulfillment of work well done and without turbulence, respecting others and demanding respect for their time, for them NO.
These subjects because of their personal characteristics, are excellent puppets, without personal values, or modesty overwhelm the rest (why the rest have them fear) and are where they are, for the same reason, LE MANS TO ANOTHER.
Those who practice "PENCRACIA", from a psychological point of view, they are immature, insecure, with themes of adolescence (and children) unresolved people. They struggle to understand aging, and therefore maturity and thus "flee" permanently everything that means "adulthood".
If you can not avoid them, do not bring against them, help them. It can be an emotional and mental help download an insecure person, but the genuine care and concern for that person can help you feel more confident about themselves. Tell them you're his friend, Love them, to please thee for who they are. No need to spend every minute of your day with them, but neither forsake. Some insecure people can make valuable friends. Remember that not all insecure people are intimidating, some are hesitant, shy people who fear and nerves themselves. In other words they are sick idiots !!!
If you can not avoid them, do not bring against them, help them. It can be an emotional and mental help download an insecure person, but the genuine care and concern for that person can help you feel more confident about themselves. Tell them you're his friend, Love them, to please thee for who they are. No need to spend every minute of your day with them, but neither forsake. Some insecure people can make valuable friends. Remember that not all insecure people are intimidating, some are hesitant, shy people who fear and nerves themselves. In other words they are sick idiots !!!